Thursday, November 10, 2011


  Last Friday, November 4th, was J-Dag.  J-Dag means julebryg day, Christmas beer day.  The local brewery launches a special Christmas brew for the holiday season, which is released at 9:00 on the first Friday of November.  The entire town decorates for Christmas and has J-Dag parties.  Denmark obviously doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, so Christmas gets a jump start very early.  Some friends and I went down to the local Irish bar to celebrate J-Dag.  As soon as the clock hit 9:00, Christmas music came blasting from the speakers & we all got a free beer.  Here are a few photos :)

The bartenders all dressed up.

My friend Bigit from Norway and I.  She had to shrink for the picture, she's actually 6'2" :)

1 comment:

  1. B-b-b-b-bailey
    from: FAY

    Denmark IS OFFICIALLY a pimpin' country! Dude fucking beer holiday like are you shitting on my face (excuse my language to those who may be reading sadly it's a random phrase of mine --shitting on my face) ne waaays...that is awesome and I really wish I could go to super duper beer fest with you hahaha dam :) they know how to have a good time in denmark thats for sure :) glad u got to partake!
    miss ya
