So, turns out I forgot the most vital item possible in America: my camera charger. But no worries, I ordered one from amazon.uk and it should be here next week. I promise to go on photo overload soon.
Here in Aarhus we've had AU Intro Week, getting the proper introduction to the campus & meeting my fellow international students. It has been great fun! Especially all of the people I have been meeting from all over the world--Bulgaria, Romania, Australia, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Japan (so far!) During intro week we have had multiple lectures:
-Danish culture & academic culture in DK. One of the main professors made an introduction speech to us students and spoke of the relaxing atmosphere of the university. He said the professors’ know nothing more then the students, and therefore run their classrooms based on equality amongst the professors and students. The professor said the only way to spot out the dean of the school and professors’ is to know who they are personally. The professors’ eat lunch where the students do and participate in social activities with us.
-Danish interactive language session. We had a crash course in basic Danish, while singing and dancing… I signed up for my Danish language classes, which should start next week. I will be having lessons 6 hours a week for 8 weeks.
-Introduction to the State Library. The library is much different then any public library in the States. To begin, there is a canteen where fresh food is made each day & many tables to study. In order to rent a book, you do so online & then pick it up a day later. The reason for this, is there are millions of books in the library along with an 18 story book tower… so it takes them awhile to find it. We were able to go to the top of the tower and see the entire city.
I can’t wait to upload pictures of the campus. It has rolling hills, romantic arches on the buildings, a grass amphitheater, and it is beautiful!
Tonight I am off to the Aarhus Festuge, which is a weeklong festival that takes over the town of Aarhus. It is full of music, art, exhibits, etc. The festival theme is ‘beautiful mistakes’ promoting beauty in all of its forms. I am going with my Danish friend Sandra whom I met in my apartment building. Also, tomorrow I am going to the Aarhus Museum of Art with my friend Diana from Australia.
Life is good! Love you all.
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