Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Plan, Stan.

My European adventures begin Thursday, 4.08.11.  

The Agenda: Departing from Helena, MT at 2:50 PM.  Arriving in Seattle, WA at 3:43 PM.
Departing from Seattle, WA at 6:05 PM.  Arriving on Friday, August 5 at 1:30 PM in Frankfurt, Germany.

Destination #1: Frankfurt, Germany.  (will update with photos.)
After my flight I will be spending three days in Germany until I make my way to where i'll be living, in Aarhus, Denmark.

Eeek!  Here we go, no looking back now  :)


  1. Today is yer day.....safe travels...you will do great! Proud of you!

    Pat D.

  2. Great Blog! Thinking of you every day! We're all so proud of you! love you, Ann
